Virtual Celebrations for Sri Rama Navami


Rama Navami, the appearance of Sri Ramachandra will be observed next Wednesday, April 21, 2021. He is celebrated as Purushottam or “foremost among men” in many parts of South and Southeast Asia due to His virtues and just nature. His historic wins date back to millions of years ago when He punished thousands who were immoral and created absolute havoc in the society- like Kumbhakarana and Ravana. He is also known for having maintained perfect relationships- with his parents, brothers, wife and those that served Him.

Ramayana, the epic that discusses the life and teachings of Sri Rama, is filled with amazing personalities and their dynamics- a handful of which have been already discussed so far via our Sunday Feasts and Rama Navami Special Seminars. Links for recordings from these as well as details of upcoming events can be found below.

On Wednesday Celebrations will feature a unique presentation by our own Bhaktimarga Swami. This special feature is not be missed! Join us at 7:00pm.

You can also participate by contributing to the Temple’s upkeep on this auspicious occasion. Click  HERE  for more information.
All these events can be attended through Facebook and Zoom :
Zoom ID: 822 3742 5339
Passcode: 108
Past Online Events:
Celebrated Personalities from Ramayana – The Emblem of Service: Hanuman presented by Shubha Vilas Das
Sunday Class by Jagannatha Misra das – Ideal Family Dynamics: lessons from Lord Rama and His Brothers
Upcoming Events:
Rama’s Loving Exchanges with His Brothers  
By Chaitanya Charan das
Saturday 17 April 7:30 PM
Overcoming Anarthas: Lessons from Ramayana
By Gaura Nataraja das
Sunday 18 April 5:00 PM