Jagannatha Snana Yatra this Sunday

This Sunday will be ISKSON Toronto’s Snana Yatra festival. This is the festival where Lord Jagannatha, His brother Balarama, and His sister Subadhra are given a special abishek (bathing ceremony). Please join us this Sunday to observe this once a year event. After this bathing pastime, their Lordships “mysteriously” contract a cold and are quarantined and given intensive care by …

Past Lectures and Kirtans Back up!

May 25th, 2008- Sunday Feast- New Remuna Dham, Toronto, Canada Lecture by HG Kratu Das (Vrindavan) http://static.boomp3.com/player.swf?song=dmdfc09boomp3.com Kirtan by HG Ajamila Das http://static.boomp3.com/player.swf?song=dchnssdboomp3.com —————————————————————————–May 4th, 2008- Sunday Feast & Toronto Rathayatra Launch Date- New Remuna Dham, Toronto, Canada Lecture by HG Rupanuga Dashttp://static.boomp3.com/player.swf?song=aci46qnboomp3.com Kirtan by HG Ajamila Dashttp://static.boomp3.com/player.swf?song=b46c64vboomp3.com