Jagannatha Snana Yatra this Sunday

This Sunday will be ISKSON Toronto’s Snana Yatra festival. This is the festival where Lord Jagannatha, His brother Balarama, and His sister Subadhra are given a special abishek (bathing ceremony). Please join us this Sunday to observe this once a year event.

After this bathing pastime, their Lordships “mysteriously” contract a cold and are quarantined and given intensive care by His pujaris for two weeks. When the two week period is completed and they are feeling well again they come out of their temple to give darshan (audience) to everyone during the Ratha-Yatra by riding on large Chariots pulled by their devotees. This year ISKCON Toronto’s Ratha-Yatra / Festival of India will be held on July 19 and 20th for more information please see http://www.feedyoursoul.to/