The Hare Krishna Temple warmly invites you and your family to join us on Friday, September 6th for Radhastami celebrations – celebrating the appearance of Srimati Radharani! Festivities will
commence at 6:00pm, and will feature a special flower outfit darshan!
Radhastami is a special festival for New Remuna Dhama (ISKCON Toronto) as it marks the 47th installation anniversary of our beloved Sri Sri Radha Ksira-Chora Gopinatha deities. Their Lordships were installed in 1972 in a small Temple on Gerrard Street and have been the center of our community ever since.
As an annual tradition, the highlight of the evening will be when we open gifts for Srimati Radharani that have been brought by the assembled devotees. If you and your family feel inclined, you are welcome to bring a gift for Their Lordships. Some humble suggestions from the pujari and kitchen departments include:
Items for the Deities (additional items will be added):
- handkerchiefs
- jewelry
- medium size storage containers
- bindis
Altar Cleaning Items:
- silver polish (cream/liquid)
- brass/copper polish (cream/liquid)
- wood polish
- laundry soap
- soft cleaning cloths
- towels
- eco-friendly cleaning products
- Juciers
- Food processors
- Blenders
- Potato peelers
- Strainers
- Knifes
- Cutting boards
- Peelers,
- Kitchen Cloths
- Oven gloves
A limited supply of gift baskets will be available to purchase at the Temple on September 6th; Gift certificates will also be available.