Survey – Govardhana Farms: Farming by Devotees for Devotees

Fil and Sukhayanti devi dasi, two of our very own congregational members from our Toronto Hare Krishna community have just returned from a six month training period at the ISCOWP farm in West Virginia, USA.

They are very excited to start their own farming project here in Ontario so that, one day, they may be able to provide both the temples and the devotees with fresh and naturally grown vegetables, fruits, flowers, grains and milk products. But most importantly they are determined to establish a farm based on the principles that were laid down by Srila Prabhupada for society at large.

In the near future they would like to use their farm as a place where not only vegetables, other foods and flowers are grown but also as a place where the cows will be protected and loved and in which the bull will be trained to work the land.

Both Fil and Sukhayanti devi dasi are working hard on building up their project and need some help from all of you. Below you will find a short survey, by filling it out you will be helping them determine the demand for the different kinds of naturally grown vegetables as well as possible interest in supporting a cow protection program. Your responses and feedback will help them plan for this farm project!  Please feel free to fill out the survey, all responses are welcomed.  Hare Krishna!

(Photos Taken at ISCOWP Farm and are used with their permission)

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