An Evening of Kirtan with HH Gunagrahi Swami and Ajamila das – Friday, June 8th!

Toronto’s Hare Krishna Temple would like to warmly invite you tomorrow evening to a special “Evening of Kirtan” with HH Gunagrahi Swami and Ajamila das!

We were actually preparing for a visit by HH Jayapataka Swami tomorrow but, due to unforeseen circumstances, the visit had to be postponed.

However, the show must go on!  Tomorrow evening, we welcome everyone to come visit the Temple (243 Avenue Road) for an intimate evening that will feature kirtan, bhajans, discourse and more!  Prasadam (dinner) will be served after the event.

We hope you and your family can make it tomorrow for this special Evening of Kirtan.  The program will begin at 6:00pm and continue well into the night!  Hare Krishna!