A Blogger’s First Time at Our Temple!

Our Sunday Feast regularly hosts a wide variety of people, from seasoned spiritualists to the slightly curious. Recently, a young lady who is a regular blogger, came out of curiosity and ended up blogging about her experience and her hospitable experience! We thought it would be worth sharing:

“Early evening sunlight pours in through windows overhead, illuminating the main floor of the temple and the tops of devotees’ heads. Devotees engaged in Aarti, an offering of thanks to Lord Krishna, whom is enshrined in an altar at the front, in male and female forms. A number have their hands raised above their heads as they chant. And with every word, they step back and forth in dance or sway side-to-side. A little girl approaches me with a violet coloured flower, patiently waiting for me. Not knowing what to do, I pass my hands over the flower and then my face. The look on her face is of wonder and innocence.” (Continue Reading)