Bhajan’s Night with Vaisesika das – Tommorrow!!

Most people around the world know Vaisesika das an amazing book distributor! However, last year in Toronto, we were very fortunate to experience a different and very special side of Vaisesika das – his amazing kirtans and bhajans!

By popular demand and in the mood of absolute spontaneity, we will be having a Bhajan’s Night at the temple tomorrow starting at 6:30pm!

Kirtan refers to the chanting of the Hare Krishna Maha-Mantra in a call and response format with the accompaniment of musical instruments like cymbals (kartals), drum (mrdanga) etc. At a typical Sunday Feast, the kirtan is fast, loud and extremely powerful!

Bhajans, on the other hand are songs written by great saints and usually sung in small, intimate groups. The effect is soothing and calming! And when Vaisesika das leads us on Bhajans, it can go on forever – and trust us, you’d wish that it goes on forever!

Please do not miss this opportunity to soak up some nectar! The bhajans night will be followed by a Pizza party! We hope to see you there!!