Bon Voyage to Our Dearest Ajamila das!

If Toronto’s Hare Krishna Centre is known for one thing, it’s the thumping sounds of kirtan that seemingly pour from the windows and doors of our beautiful building.

Over the last 20 years, Toronto’s foremost kirtan “songbird” has been our dear Ajamila das! Be it his sweet bhajans or midnight kirtans on festivals like Janmastami (Lord Krishna’s birthday), his inimitable style has made Toronto kirtans famous around the world!

It is with heavy hearts that we announce that Ajamila prabhu will be heading to India for almost a year! He may return for a visit or two, but we would like to wish him a fond farewell. As a special treat, Ajamila das will be leading both the 6pm and 8pm aratis tomorrow during the Sunday “Love” Feast. Make sure you’re there!