What Are Your Kartik Vows?

As many of our regular readers know, we are now officially in the auspicious month of Kartik: the lunar month that falls across October and November. This month is described as especially dear to Krishna, and spiritualists keep it sacred by undertaking acts of devotion and vows of austerity aimed at increasing their spiritual strength, drawing them closer to Krishna.

At the ISKCON Toronto Blog, we would like to know what you have vowed to do during this month of Kartik! Please add a comment to this post with your personal vows for Kartik.
You can feel free to post anonymously (if you feel your vows are more personal in nature), but we would love to see what spiritual-seekers in our community are doing this month. In fact, reading your vow(s) might inspire someone else to undertake the same endeavour! How inspirational!
Whether it be as simple as chanting a certain number of rounds (mantra meditation) per day, or vowing to read a chapter of the Bhagavad-gita each morning, we would love to hear what our community is doing to go deeper in their spirituality during this very auspicious month!
To submit a comment, please click the link at the bottom of this post.