Global Kartik Kirtan Recordings!!!

The essence of this Global Kirtan event was about activating our international kirtan community in a simultaneous resounding prayer around the globe, with its source from the heart of Vrindavan. Surrounding the Earth in the transcendental sound vibrations of Kirtan will have a powerful effect amidst current events.

The historic pilgrimage town of Vrindavan, India, the Land of Krishna, was the source venue for a 24 hour Kirtan on Ekadasi, Sunday, November 9th (Saturday, November 8th & Sunday, November 9th in the West).

Community organizers and kirtaniyas hosted local kirtans in over 30 known locations, although not all were able to accomplish 24 hours, they all participated in the 24 hour endeavour.

Toronto was able to stream the event live on the blog. Please enjoy Toronto’s offering to this amazing event.

Kirtanya Sadah Hari!!!
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