Updated Temple Timings

Here are a few key reminders :

Please ensure that you are masked at all times

Please restrict your visit to a quick darshan of the deities, darshan will be only “walkthrough”.

Kindly minimize social interaction and maintain social distancing.

Please remain on the main floor of the Temple, all other areas in the temple are off-limits.

If you are not vaccinated please consider staying away from the Temple, this is for your own safety and the safety of others.

If you have any Covid symptoms please stay away from the Temple.

Below are the revised Temple Timings effective immediately

Monday to Saturday – 4:15 am to 12:30 pm and 4:00 pm to 6:30 pm
Sunday – 4:15 am  to 7:15 pm


Thanking you

Your servants

Temple council
ISKCON Toronto

All below protocols remain in place:

All COVID Protocols will apply without exception. Visitors are requested to enter their contact information on the Contact tracing sheets kept at the entrance. Visitors need to remain on the main floor, access is prohibited to all the other areas of the Temple. Further details on the process and guidelines are available below:

Please remember you can also have virtual LIVE darshan on our YoutTube Channel; click below: