Global Kirtan Protest

This Saturday, October 23rd, ISKCON Toronto and temples from across the GTA will be joining ISKCON temples around the world for a peaceful Global Kirtan Protest to demand protection and justice for the minorities in Bangladesh.

Between October 13 and 15, multiple temples, homes, shops, and individuals were attacked across several districts of Bangladesh. Several innocent members of the Hindu minority were killed for no reason other than their religious affiliation. Temples and private properties were burned, vandalized, and destroyed. Two of ISKCON’s devotees, Pranta Chandra das and Jatan Chandra Saha were murdered during these attacks and Nimai Chandra das remains hospitalized in a critical condition. For more information please see the official report of the incident HERE.

Please spread the word and have your friends and family join together with us this Saturday, October 23rd, from 2-4pm in front of Old City Hall at 60 Queen Street West in an effort to bring international awareness and pressure on the Bangladesh government to take serious steps to protect religious minorities. Signs will be provided and COVID protocols will be in place.