It was an eventful 57  hours, but the temple finally has power back in the building!  A collective cheer rang through the temple as the lights flicked on just before 12pm today!  Actually, the temple was just preparing to shut off the water in the building to help avoid the pipes from freezing and then bursting!  Luckily though, the power came on mere minutes before we were about to shut off the water !

Even though at times it was brutally cold in the temple and there was no hot water, lights or heat, spirits remained very high and all the devotees worked together to make the best of the situation.
From morning programs using flashlights to the unforgettable Candlelit Sunday Feast (pictures coming soon), it was a crazy 57 hours!  A HUGE thank you to all the devotees in our community who helped out during this difficult time.

If anyone in our devotee community still does not have power, heat and/or hot water at home, please feel free to contact the temple and we would be happy to help in any way possible.

We will still try to post updates on our Twitter feed (below); or you can check it out to relive some the moments during the power outage!

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