A “Snap”-shot of Our Hare Krishna Community

At any given point in time, particularly on weekends and festivals, Toronto’s Hare Krishna temple is bustling with activity and energy. A quick glimpse can give us a snapshot of what our burgeoning community is all about!

Marcus, a friendly contributer from Snap Downtown Toronto, a free monthly newspaper, recently ventured to our temple and captured a few memorable moments, including a surprise birthday party and a recent incredible theatrical production.

Snap Downtown Toronto is published and distributed through “exit news racks” at all key retail stores in the downtown core. Below you can see the heart-warming “snapped” moments (Courtesy of Snap Downtown Toronto):

A Surprise Birthday!
Happy Birthday to Taruni Toskoboynik! Held at the Krishna Temple on Avenue Road, the party was a surprise for me as well. I had a feeling to bring my camera, even though I believed I was only there to enjoy the lovely vegetarian dinner. After I introduced myself, I was taken to a room to await the birthday girl’s entrance. Her surprise greeting filled the temple to overflowing with love and joy. A life full of many beautiful surprises is certainly one worth living. Thank you everyone. Gratitude all around!

Original Link – http://www.snapdowntowntoronto.com/display/78814/1466/

Krishna Play
The drama of The 8th boy- a story about the appearance of the Shri Krishna (Supreme Personality of the Godhead. Heavens!) on the Earth about 5 million years ago. I found it to be a very colorful play that was quite enlightening, and certainly enjoyable to the hundreds that turned out to watch at the Krishna Temple on Ave. Rd. All this followed by a delicious vegetarian meal! How fabulous is that! It was such a beautiful and heartfelt presentation that it seemed more like a professional theatre performance than ‘amateurs’ having fun! Shows what’s possible when you love what you do.

Original Link – http://www.snapdowntowntoronto.com/display/78815/1466/