Bhagavad Gita Course – Nov 24th to 29th

*** Dates have been adjusted – Course will be from November 24th-29th ***

From November 24th to 29th, HG Uttama Sloka das will be visiting ISKCON Toronto to conduct a one-week Bhagavad Gita course. Uttama Sloka das, a very well-known disciple of HH Indradyumna Swami, visited Toronto around the same time last year and conducted a one-day crash course on the Gita. Over 50 devotees attended and the feedback was absolutely tremendous! Uttama Sloka das will now be teaching a one week comprehensive study on the ancient and illuminating teachings of the Bhagavad Gita.

Focusing on areas like the pyschology of the Gita and learning about releasing negativity and developing self esteem and cooperation, this will surely be a class that devotees will not want to miss! Registrations are encouraged to ensure you can secure your seat and student materials for this class.

More information about the seminar will come in the next week. To register for the seminar, please click here.