Due to technical dificulties we were unable to record our live broadcast of the Sunday Feast and so we are unable to post a recording this week. We apologize for any inconvenience.We will resume with live broadcasts and videos with the upcoming Sunday Feasts!
Category: General
Deity Darshan: May 10, 2009
*Special thanks to Taruni Voskoboynik for this week’s pictures
Roaring Celebrations for Lord Nrsimha!
Although falling on a Thursday evening, Nrsimha Caturdasi celebrations at Toronto’s Hare Krishna Temple brought over 100 devotees as an evening dazzled with kirtan, class and ancient tradition awaited all. Nrsimha Caturdasi celebrated the appearance of Lord Nrsimhadeva, Lord Krishna’s half-man and half-lion incarnation. When King Hiranyakashipu tormented his youngest son Prahlada, a pure devotee of the Lord, Lord Krishna …
Lord Nrsimha’s Appearance Day Celebrations
On Thursday, May 7th 2009, Toronto’s Hare Krishna temple will be celebrating Nrsimha Caturdasi. This is the appearance day of Lord Nrsimhadeva, Krishna’s half-man half-lion incarnation. Lord Nrsimhadeva appeared in order to deliver the saintly child Prahlada from the persecutions of his father, Hiranyakashipu. This year festivities will feature enlivening classes by special guest HG Brhat Mrdanga das. There will …
Sunday Feast Recording – Sunday, May 3rd
Today’s Sunday Feast recording can be viewed by clicking the image below. As a reminder, the recordings from our weekly live web broadcasts are stored on our ISKCON Toronto Video Archive Blog.
Deity Darshan: May 3, 2009
HG Brhat Mrdanga das Coming to Toronto!
The Hare Krishna Temple is very excited to announce that HG Brhat Mrdanga das will be visiting ISKCON Toronto next week and will be in the GTA for close to two weeks! Arriving on Tuesday, May 5th, Brhat Mrdanga prabhu will be spending time at both the Toronto and Brampton centres. Brhat Mrdanga das will be joining us for our …
Deity Worship Seminar Now Open to Everyone!
ISKCON Toronto’s Pujari Department began a Deity Worship Seminar on April 19th, 2009. Originally, this seminar was only for second initiated devotees. However, due to many people expressing an interest in learning more about deity worship the seminar has been opened up to everyone! This seminar is ideal for anyone who would like to learn about deity worship in the …
HG Bada Hari das Bringin’ the House Down!
At the ISKCON Toronto Blog, we love to write about how wonderful and thumping our festivals can be at the Hare Krishna Temple, but it so much more easier to show what we mean! This past Sunday marked Ratha-Yatra Launch Day celebrations, where we officially kicked off the countdown to our 37th Annual Festival of India (Ratha-Yatra). We hope you enjoy this …
Oh, What a Way to Launch a Countdown!
When we think of the word “launch”, perhaps the image of a space shuttle rumbling its way through the atmosphere as it carves a path to the stars comes to mind. Necks crane upwards to watch rockets burst towards the heavens and all that is left is a trail of smoke cast across the sky. While Toronto’s Hare Krishna Temple …