On Thursday, November 12, 2015 Toronto’s Hare Krishna Temple will be celebrating Govardhan Puja! Also referred to as Annakuta, Govardhana Puja is a special festival which marks the time when the inhabitants of Vrindavan (Lord Krishna’s abode on Earth) held a harvest festival in honour of King Indra, the demigod who provided the rains essential for the harvest. One day, …
Bring Your Offerings for Govardhana Puja!
On Thursday, November 12, 2015 Toronto’s Hare Krishna Temple will be celebrating Govardhan Puja! Also referred to as Annakuta, Govardhana Puja is a special festival where following the example of Lord Krishna devotees make offerings to Govardhana Hill. Click HERE for more information about this festival. Everyone is invited to bring an offering to Govardhana Hill. Offerings must be brought before 7:00pm on Thursday, November …
Happy Diwali From the Hare Krishna Temple!
Toronto’s Hare Krishna Temple would like to wish you and your entire family a very Happy Diwali! The story of Diwali stems back to ancient times when inhabitants of Ayodhya celebrated the return of Lord Ramachandra. Lord Rama was in exile, away from His kingdom, for many years. The joyful day on which He finally returned is observed as Diwali, …
Diwali Message from Tulsi Gabbard
United States Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard has been a practicing Hindu since her teens. Specifically, she is a Vaishnava. According to India Abroad, she is a student of Sidhasvarupananda, who was himself initiated into the Brahma Madhva Gaudiya Sampradaya by ISKCON Founder A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. She describes the Bhagavad-gita as being her primary scripture, and follows the path of Bhakti …
International Bhagavad Gita Essay Competition!
Devotees of our community have the opportunity to deepen their appreciation of the jewel of India’s spiritual wisdom, the Bhagavad Gita. There is an international competition with more than $10,000 (Australian Dollars) of prizes. The competition is on “Bhagavad Gita As It Is”, by AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. Everyone is eligible to enter – all global citizens are invited. You …
Update on Mukunda Goswami’s Health
Update on Mukunda Goswami’s Recovery(from ISKCON News)November 4, 2015 – Mukunda Goswami is making a slow but steady recovery from the surgeries. While in ICU he was looked after 24/7 by a team of doctors and nurses to make sure that his vital functions were properly restored. Their particular concern was Maharaja’s lungs (risk of a pneumonia) from extended confinement …
Radha Kunda’s Appearance Day – Nov 3, 2015
Tuesday, November 3, 2015 marks a special festival, Radha-Kunda’s Appearance Day. Radha-Kunda is a pond near Govardhan Hill in Vrindavan, India, which was originally created by Krishna’s cowherd girlfriends, the gopis, during Krishna’s boyhood pastimes in Vrindavan. In the sixteenth century, it was rediscovered by Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, and renovated by Mahaprabhu’s disciples, the Six Goswamis. Many sacred texts, including the …
Pictures from Yesterday’s Damodarastakam
During the auspicious month of Kartik, each Sunday Feast at the Hare Krishna Temple will be highlighted by the singing of the enchanting Damodarastakam prayers. Immediately after the 6pm and 8pm aratis, thw lights will be turned low and devotees will sing this beautiful bhajan together. Here are two pictures from yesterday’s singing after the 8pm arati!
Check Out Repairs that are Happening in Your Temple!
As many of our devotees know, our beautiful temple is located in a massive heritage building, located in the heart of downtown Toronto! Our temple, originally built as a Presbyterian Church in 1896, has been the home to many different churches and, since 1976, the home of Toronto’s Hare Krishna community! While we all love and enjoy having such an …
A Day in the Month of Kartik in Vrindavana
As we celebrate the auspicious month of Kartik, we thought it would be nice to share a video posted on ISKCON Vrindvan’s official YouTube channel earlier this year. Every year, thousands upon thousands of pilgrims descend on the sacred land of Vrindavan (about an hour and a half from New Delhi) during the month of Kartik. Check it out: