The day after celebrations for one of our biggest festivals of the year, Krsna Janmastami, we will be celebrating one of the most important festivals for us as Hare Krishnas – Srila Prabhupada’s Vyasa Puja starting at 11am on Friday, August 26, 2016. The Vyasa Puja festival is always held the day after Janmastami and the festival honours the appearance …
Balarama’s Appearance Day – Aug 18, 2016
Thursday, August 18, 2016 marks the auspicious appearance day (birthday) of Lord Balarama, Lord Krishna’s older brother! The Supreme Person appears in innumerable forms to enjoy transcendental relationships. Some of His expansions are tiny, dependent beings, like us, and some are complete and omnipotent beings like Himself. Balarama, or Baladeva, is Krishna’s primary all-powerful expansion. Lord Balarama symbolizes strength and …
Summer Camp – August 15 – 19
We had a wonderful Festival of India this month but the summer fun isn’t over yet – join us for the annual Summer Kids Camp, which is happening this year from August 15th – 19th. You can register for any number of days! As always we have lots of fun activities planned out with sumptuous prasadam (vegetarian meansl) for all …
New Feature! Daily Darshan for Our Website
We are very excited to announce that we will now be posting daily darshan of our beautiful Deities on our website! You can find the daily darshan pictures posted on the right-hand side of the page. Our pujari (priest) department has been capturing photos each day and have been sharing them on Facebook. We’ve now added them to our temple …
Maha-Mantra Festival – July 28 to August 14
A lone, broke and aged man once embarked on a cargo ship to an unknown land. He suffered three heart attacks but what kept the him going was a mission which was not even his own but his guru’s. A perfect beginning to the history in making. Decades later he is celebrated on CNN as one of the top 10 …
Studying Srila Prabhupada’s Books – Aug 3 & 10 (Seminar)
On both Wednesday, August 3, 2016 and Wednesday, August 10, 2016, a very special two-part seminar will be conducted by our very special guest, Laxmimoni Devi Dasi! This ground-breaking seminar will be focused on how and why we need to make a more focused effort on reading the books of our beloved founder, Srila Prabhupada. Described as an eye-opening seminar, …
Welcoming Laxmimoni Devi Dasi Back to Toronto
Toronto’s Hare Krishna Temple is very excited to welcome Laxmimoni Devi Dasi back home to Toronto! One of the pioneers of our Hare Krishna movement in Toronto, Laxmimoni Devi Dasi is an inspiring teacher, mentor, guide and more. Laxmimoni Dasi was initiated by Srila Prabhuada in 1969 while attending the State University of New York at Buffalo. She received a …
Stunning Video: “A Day in Vrndavan”
Check out this stunningly made video, entitled “A Day in Vrndavan”. Produced by Sacinandana Swami and Bhava Films, this eight minute video provides a soul-stirring glimpse into the timeless beauty of this most sacred of lands, Vrndavan. You are sure to get a few goosebumps watching this beautiful video.
Video: Eurobus Tour – Some Fun with Younger Devotees
We came upon this fun little video made by one of the young devotees who took part in the Eurobus Tour. The tour consists of a group of young devotees traveling through 13 countries over the course of the summer. It’s a fun perspective at how these young devotees keep things “lively”! Enjoy!
ISKCON Disciples Course – Aug 5-9, 2016
Update #2 (07/31/16) – It looks like there was significant interest in holding the course! So it’s back on! However, the course facilitator would like to keep the class size small and so class capacity has already been reached. If you would really, really like to still attend, please email us.Update #1 (07/28/16) – At this time, it has been decided to …