Celebrate the Appearance of Lord Nityananda

Nityananda Trayodasi, the auspicious appearance day of Lord Nityananda falls on Thursday, February 25th this year. The name Nityananda means eternal happiness and He’s none other than Lord Balaram who appeared in the 15th century along with Caitanya Mahaprabhu (Lord Krishna). Together with other associates, they propagated the chanting of the holy names far and wide. 
There is none more benevolent than Lord Nityananda. Those who have heard of His experiences with some people who were not even civil with Him are blown at His tolerance, patience, and dedication to befriend the world. His compassion knows no bounds as He is always absorbed in love and devotion. 
To honour this wonderful personality we have the following events that will be conducted over Zoom / Facebook as the Temple remains closed:
  • Sunday, February 21st: we will be graced by our guest speaker H.H. Jayadavita Swami who will enlighten us on the topic ‘Sri Krishna Caitanya, Prabhu Nityananda’ and set the mood for the upcoming festival. Starting at 5:00 PM.
  • Thursday, February 25th: on the appearance day of Lord Nityananda we will have an Evening of Bhajans with various devotees within our community participating by singing and sharing darshan of their Deities. This is scheduled from 6:30-8:00 PM. 
  • Sunday, February 28th: Celebrations will conclude with our own Rupanuga das giving a special talk on the Life and pastimes of Lord Nityananda at 5:00 PM.
You can also participate by contributing to the Temple’s upkeep on this auspicious occasion. We know you have been missing the Temple so here is a rare opportunity to get some maha jewelry from our beloved Deities! Click HERE for more information.
All these events can be attended through Facebook and Zoom:
Zoom ID: 822 3742 5339  
Passcode: 108