The Auspicious Month of Kartik

This year the most auspicious lunar month of Kartik / Damodar falls from November 1st to November 29th. This month is very dear to Krishna and sincere spiritualists keep it sacred through acts of devotion and austere vows while inculcating the mood of humility and service in their interactions. Click HERE to watch a video message from our own Bhaktimarga Swami on how to observe this special month.


It was during this sacred month that Lord Krishna allowed Himself to be bound with ropes by His mother, Yashoda. Out of loving anger at her transcendentally mischievous child, she tied him around the abdomen. Thus the month of Kartik is also known as the month of Damodara, “He who was bound around the abdomen”.
During this auspicious month we will be joining together virtually every evening to sing the Damodarastakam prayers. This song describes Krishna’s early childhood pastime of running from His mother when she tried to punish Him for stealing butter from the gopis, the cowherd women of Vrindavan. Each verse describes various exceptional qualities or features of Krishna. The lyrics and English translation can be found HERE. Join us every evening at 7pm via ZOOM (ID:839 3891 8875 Passcode: 108)
Several festivals also fall within this auspicious month including Diwali on November 14th and Govardhan Puja on November 15th. Please note we are planning to have the Temple open on November 14th and 15th. However, pre-booking will be required along with all other COVID protocols. Please stay tuned to for more information.