Virtual Gita Contest for Kids

Krishna’s Funskool at ISKCON Toronto Hare Krishna Temple is very happy to announce the Virtual Gita Contest 2020 on Saturday, December 12th, 2020

The categories are as follows:
Category 1: Age 3-5 years – Recitation and Translation (5 selected verses)

Category 2: Age: 6-8 years – Recitation and Translation (10 selected verses)

Category 3: Age: 9-12 years – Recitation, Translation, application and MCQ.

Category 4: Age: 13-17 years – Chapter study – MCQ and a short presentation

If you are interested in enrolling your child for the Gita Contest -2020, here are the first steps: 

Please register for the Gita contest 2020 by filling this form.

The registration fee for the Gita Contest 2020 is $20 per participant. If participants are siblings, the registration fee for siblings (the second child) will be $15.

You can complete the payment for registration in the following ways:
Within Canada: EMT to  – Please add the name of your child, age and Krishna Funskool 2020  in the description line. Also use the standard password: KFS2020

Outside Canada: via PayPal to – Please add the name of your child, age and Krishna Funskool 2020  in the description line. Also use the standard password: KFS2020


Once we have received your completed registration form, the selected verses and further guidelines will be sent to you.

Please contact us at if you have any queries/suggestions.