Radhastami Seminar Series

After successful seminars for Lord Balarama’s appearance Day and Krishna Janamastami we’re back with seminars dedicated to Srimati Radharani:

Saturday, August 22nd

“Tuning into the mood of Srimati Radharani” with HH Bhakti Rasamrita Swami

9:00am – 10:15am EDT

Bhakti Rasamrita Swami has been practicing the bhakti tradition for over 30 years. He has served as the temple president in Mumbai and Vrindavan and manages various projects in the U.S, Europe and USSR. As the temple president of ISKCON Belgaum, he is currently overseeing the development of a “self-sufficient vedic ecovillage” (Gokul Dham).

Sunday, August 23rd

“The Abode of Pure Love” with HG Gauranga das

8:00pm – 9:15pm EDT

Gauranga das is an inspirational speaker, mentor and spiritual teacher. He is an expert at presenting Vedic Knowledge in a contemporary way and has represented ISKCON in various global conferences. He is a Global Duty Officer for the ISKCON Governing Body Commission (GBC) and holds various such titles for temples worldwide.

He is the Director of the Govardhan Ecovillage, a United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) award winning Eco-village community and Co-President of the ISKCON Chowpatty temple. He is also serving as the Trustee and Administrative Director for Bhaktivedanta Research Centre (BRC), Kolkata.

Seminars will be broadcast on our Facebook page and Youtube channel.