Virtual Radhastami Festivities

On Tuesday, August the 25th we will be celebrating the grand festival of Radhastami– the appearance of Srimati Radharani! This is a special festival for New Remuna Dhama (ISKCON Toronto). This year marks the 48th installation anniversary of our beloved Deities, Sri Sri Radha Ksira-Chora Gopinatha. Their Lordships were installed in 1972 in a small Temple on Gerrard Street and have been the center of our community ever since.

It has been an annual tradition on the evening of the festival where everyone can participate- gifts are brought in and are opened by the priests before Srimati Radharani. In light of the temple remaining CLOSED, we have come up with a *gift registry* that include some humble suggestions from the pujari and kitchen departments. A limited number of gifts can also be sponsored online HERE (please note gifts sponsored after August 24th will be offered at a later date).

There will be a special live broadcast of Mangala Arati from 4:30am-5:00am (this will be available on facebook only).

The evening program will begin at 6:00pm and will feature special darshan, gift opening ceremony and a talk on Srimati Radharani!

In addition to the above, we are also putting together a variety of ways in which you can still remain connected to your community and the Temple. We have been doing so for our other virtual festivals these past few months and this will be no different. Please continue to check our website social media pages for regular updates.

Festivities will be broadcast on our Facebook page and Youtube channel.