Monthly Sankirtan Festival – Gaura Purnima Special

For the past eight months, members of the Hare Krishna Centre have been going out once a month, hitting the streets of Toronto to be friendly ambassadors of goodwill. This involves sharing books, cookies and friendly smiles and is called sankirtan.

This month, on the auspicious occasion of Gaura Purnima, the appearance day of Caitanya Mahaprabhu who pioneered the Sankirtan movement in India over 500 years ago, the Toronto Sankirtan Team is inviting every one to come out on Saturday, February 27th for a very special Sankirtan Festival!

9:00am – Arrive at the Temple
9:30am – Training on “How” and “What” of the Sankirtan Eexperience
10:30am – Team Assignments
10:45am – Drive to Various Locations
11:00am – Sankirtan at Different Locations
2:00pm – Final Harinama & Wrap up
2:30pm – Return to Temple for Hot Lunch Prasadam

The nice thing about being part of this special Sankirtan Festival is that it is not simply restricted to coming out on book distribution. There are various avenues where you can help contribute to make this event a success! Whether it be helping to prepare prasadam (sanctified vegetarian food), spreading the word about the event, helping out with logistics, being part of the kirtan team or just being a friendly face, we encourage everyone to come out!

The goal for this special Sankirtan festival is to have at least 108 members go out on the streets, with smiles, as an offering to Caitanya Mahaprabhu! If you want to be a part of this special festival, please contact the Toronto Sankirtan Team to register! We look forward to seeing you on Saturday!