One of the responsibilities of lovingly caring for our Toronto Hare Krishna Blog is to monitor the traffic that is coming to this site. We have always been thrilled with the continued growth of traffic to our site. We’ve been tracking traffic on the site since July 2008 (about two and a half years) and thought it might be nice to share some of the incredible numbers!
As of yesterday (Jan 3rd), since July 2008, we have had:
- 69.881 visitors
- 28,151 unique visitors
- Visitors to the blog have come from 120 countries including: Netherlands, Oman, Israel, Japan, Pakistan, Kuwait and Jamaica! Of course, the bulk of our visitors (77%) are from Canada.
- 18,082 have come to our blog through search engines (93% from Google).
- There have been 125,813 page views on the blog!
- The blog post that generated the most comments (21 comments, to be exact) from our readers was our April’s Fools Joke on April 1, 2009, where we convinced our readers that the temple had adopted a new pet monkey!
Thank you to all of our loyal readers for continuing to visit our wonderful Toronto Hare Krishna Blog!