Special TOVP Program on Sunday, Sept. 8th

***Special Sunday Feast Program on September 8th, 2024***
Please join us for a Special TOVP Program with esteemed devotees H.G. Jananivas Das, H.G. Sundanda Das and H.G. Braja Vilasa Das from ISKCON Mayapur!
Construction of the Temple of  the Vedic Planetarium is underway in Mayapur (India). One of ISKCON Founder-Acharya Srila Prabhupada’s many gifts to his followers, and the entire world, was his detailed vision for the Temple of the Vedic Planetarium. To learn more about this special project and how you can participate please join us for a special Sunday feast program. There will also be special opportunities to receive special blessings from Shri Dhama Mayapur!