12 Hour Kirtan

ISKCON Toronto’s Biggest Kirtan Event of the Year!

The much-awaited annual Ratha Yatra 12 Hour Kirtan is almost here! Featuring kirtan leaders from around the world, this is certainly a day not to be missed! This year’s annual event will be held on Friday, July 12th from 10am – 10pm at ISKCON Toronto – 243 Avenue Road and promises to be a day of meditation, inspiration, chanting, drumming, and dancing.

The 12 Hour Kirtan kicks off the 3-day Ratha Yatra Festival also known as the Festival of India and many make sure they book the day off work or school to have the opportunity to immerse themselves in 12 amazing hours of the transcendental vibrations of the maha-mantra.

This year’s theme is An Igniting Experience: Spark Your Bhakti Flame By Chanting The Holy Name. This is your opportunity to ignite the fire of bhakti within your heart all day long. This year’s roster of kirtaniyas include chanters from India, Brazil, the United States, and more. No matter if one is new to the concept of kirtan or bhakti or a seasoned participant, one is sure to enjoy the experience.