Nrsimha Caturdasi – May 22nd

On Wednesday, May 22, 2024, we at ISKCON Toronto will celebrate the appearance day of Lord Nrsimha, also known as Nrsimha Caturdasi.
This festival commemorates the appearance of Lord Nrsimhadeva, the half-man, half-lion incarnation of Lord Krishna. This auspicious day marks the triumph of good over evil, as Lord Nrsimha vanquished the demon Hiranyakashyapu to protect his devotee, Prahlad. Devotees observe this day with fasting, chanting, and worshiping Lord Nrsimha, seeking his protection and blessings. Lord Nrsimhadeva appeared at dusk so this is the time the fast is traditionally broken (approximately 9:18pm on May 22nd). The celebrations are not to be missed, as we will have special guest HG Kalakanta das joining us!
This festival is a beautiful opportunity to experience the magnanimity of Lord Nrsimhadeva. If you would like to help support these festivities please click HERE.