Gita Jayanti Celebrations

On the battlefield of Kuruksetra, over five thousand years ago, something unthinkable happened. Krishna spoke the Bhagavad-gita to Arjuna- a philosophical approach to living a life of giving because in giving we receive. The Gita has the answers that encapsulate the essence of life- karma, time, nature, the conscious self, God.
Today that same Bhagavad-gita has been translated into languages like Arabic and Chinese and is read by millions, revered in academic circles, and studied by spiritualists of all backgrounds. This year Tuesday, December 14th, 2021 marks the day this most auspicious conversation took place.
The Gita Jayanti programs are being promoted as the World Gita Day across various temples/centers around the world.
We will have a special communal virtual reading with select chapters read in Sankrit and English beginning at 6pm on Facebook and Zoom