Srila Prabhupada Festival on January 1st!

Another year comes to an end which means it is time for our annual Prabhupada Festival! Tomorrow on Fri Jan 1, 2021 we will virtually welcome the new year and begin on an auspicious note as we have been doing so for some years. This includes kirtan and a dramatic presentation by HH Bhaktimarga Swami!
The schedule is as below (subject to change):
3:00 PM Kirtan
4:00 PM Guru Puja
4:45 PM Drama- Rolling the Dice by Bhaktimarga Swami
5:30 PM Offering for Srila Prabhupada
6:00 PM Closing Kirtan
You can access the virtual festivities on Zoom or Facebook.
This year has proved challenging on many fronts so we pray that 2021 will provide better opportunities for all. Here’s wishing you a Happy New Year!