VIRTUAL Sri Krishna Janamastami Celebrations

The BIGGEST party of the year is up next. Last weekend was lit with such profound talks on Lord Balarama. This coming weekend we switch gears as we dive deeper into cultivating our mood for Sri Krishna Janamastami- Lord Krishna’s Appearance or Birthday!

The Temple remains CLOSED and will be closed on Janamastami day (no exceptions). Celebrations will be conducted virtually and a jam-packed schedule of online activities and presentations are in the works for you. Celebrations in the evening will start 6:00 PM and will be filled with kirtan, bhajans, discourses, drama, kids presentations and more!

The highlight of the evening will be the countdown to midnight! The momentum will build as the abisheka (bathing ceremony) is performed and at the stroke of midnight, the Deity doors will open and their Lordships Sr Sri Radha Ksira-Chora Gopinatha will be revealed at the auspicious time of Lord Krishna’s appearance!
Festivities will be broadcast on our Facebook page and Youtube channel.
As always our festival is supported by your generous contributions, please consider continuing to support this festival. Donations can be made online at the below link and a tax receipt will be emailed to you. Thank you for your continued support throughout the years!

This year we will be conducting a special “Rudra Gita Yagna” at 9am on Janmastami Day. The Rudra (Siva) Gita is a set of most powerful prayers glorifying Lord Krsna from the entire Srimad-Bhagavatam that was taught by Lord Siva to Pracetäs (Srimad-Bhagavatam 4.24.33 to 4.24.70 – 38 verses). You can participate in this special initiative as a sponsor (a part of the proceeds of this yagna will go to support various cow protection projects in Ontario) and receive a special sacred thread from the ceremony.

An annual tradition is the Kalasha Abisheka (bathing ceremony), this year it will continue…virtually. Our Pujaris will bathe Sri Sri Radha Krishna on behalf of the Kalasha (sacred pot) sponsors (the kalasha and other gifts will be delivered to the donor).
There are many other ways you can contribute to the festival check out the link before to learn more!