Janamastami Seminar Series

The BIGGEST party of the year is up next. Last weekend was lit with such profound talks on Lord Balarama. This coming weekend we switch gears as we dive deeper into cultivating our mood for Sri Krishna Janamastami on August 11!

The temple will remain CLOSED and a schedule for online activities and presentations are in the works for you. In the meantime, starting this Saturday we bring to you a host of speakers on wonderful topics as can be seen in the poster below. All sessions will be broadcast on our Facebook page and Youtube channel.

We are honoured to have prolific speakers like Atul Krsna das, Amarendra das, Jayananda das and Deenabandhu das- from all around the world! Stay tuned for the official itinerary on how you can participate VIRTUALLY on the day of the actual festival.

Our Monthly Seminar series also continues: