Radhastami Festival Gallery

Radhastami celebrations took centre stage at ISKCON Toronto and a packed temple room greeted Srimati Radharani as we celebrated Her appearance day.  As the program continued through the evening, more devotees poured into the temple and were met with ecstatic kirtan, bhajans and the annual gift-giving ceremony for the Deities.
Sri Sri Radha Ksira-Cora Gopinatha looked stunning in their brand new outfits and stood majestically on their flower-bedecked altar!  Radhastami usually marks the winding down of the busy summer festival season and it certainly ended things with a bang.  
A heartfelt thanks goes out to all the wonderful devotees who gave such beautiful gifts for Srimati Radharani!  View the full festival gallery below!  Hare Krsna!
